For Employers

For employers, if you are hiring temporary workers, contractors, project based research positions, or offer internships, can help. We will find you a good match with the best candidate in a cost-effective and time-efficient way. We currently offer the following services:

Job Advertising:
We distribute your job ads to our career network sites and other social network sites and make them available to professional networks in which community members may have those required qualifications.

Recruitment and Hiring:
We reach out those professionals through online career networks. We screen those candidates and identify the most qualified ones as our finalists. We will do an initial interview to make sure they have the qualifications and are also eligible and available for a new position.

Currently, the positions we are recruiting primarily for research associates, particularly researchers in biology, chemistry, medical and health sciences.

Placement and Staffing:
We help employers find the best qualified candidates through our talent bank and beyond.

Career neworking service:
We help our clients to develop a social recruiting strategy / plan that best suits their needs. Service includes helping clients to join and build online networks, create groups in LinkedIn, create a fan page on Facebook and build a page on Twitter, etc.

AmeriCareers also owns and operates an online social network site "" with career networking communities. Please join us online.

Contact us today.


  • Large number of highly qualified candidate pool
  • Recruit college students and recent grads for entry level jobs
  • Candidates with Ph.D.s for research associate and scientist levels available
  • Recruit for full-time and part-time positions
  • Connect academic and industry communities
  • Cost effective recruiting solution
  • Flexiable advertising options




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